3rd Lecture 2016 »Our own Styl«

We need to find our own “style” to produce an Existential Notation and therewith – step by step – the sum of our being; of our movements, thoughts and experiences as a structural net of recursive iterations. It is not possible to produce an Existential Notation (that means to build it from the given particles, i.e. from formatives) by copying the “style” of someone else.
According to Merleau-Ponty “style” is given with the act of speaking a language as if we would do it for the first time (or for the last time). To do so we have to find the rule (i.e. the grammatical order), with which way our speaking can always be renewed.
Then an artwork will be valuable and popular if it has reached the highest level of uniqueness of the style in correlation to history. Such an artwork is nothing but a symbol for the possibility that everyone of us may be kept in his own history. We just have to do it...

After 35.000 years of development of art – ascending from their smallest particles back to theirs smallest particles and the infinite recombination of those – there still remains the one question: How to create an Existential Notation? To answer this, we have to go back to the beginning of the question (in a sense of a systematization of how to ask), nearly 450 years back, to Paolo Lomazzos »Trattato dell'arte della Pittura«, published 1584 in Milano, translated fifteen years later by Richard Haydocke (1570 – 1642), London.


4th Lecture 2016 »An own Perspective«


2nd Lecture 2016 »Constitution of Intentionality«