Adam – took up the fight against misery
As a young painter in Krakow, I came to know the plight of the poorest.
Then, after a long inner struggle, I decided to become a Franciscan.
Thus I took up the fight against misery:
Relics that are needed as objects of interaction on stage:
glass bottle / fourposter bed
Monologue of the saint, derived from the infinitive sequence of the left and right half of the stage:
Left half: hint, have, may, say, put, swallow.
Right half: repeat, forget, glue, carry, take, sticks.
Adam’s monologue:
It began with the misery of being an unsuccessful painter – as unsuccessful as most of you. Here, look at the dozen bottles I have neatly lined up in front of me; the miracle thing in them was certainly not meant to wash out my brushes.
In the morning my head was three times as big, like a balloon. He pulled me out, so I started preaching to the fish and the birds. It's a good thing, believe me!
So, if you are as unsuccessful as I was, take my advice to become a preacher that people listen to all over the world.
First, I hint at the risks - I have to. You may say this is nonsense. You think you know that it is easy to put one word into another, as the saints do by speaking in tongues. But beware, there are known cases where preachers have been swallowed by fish.
This is the way you start right now: Repeat the word "fourposter bed“. Repeat it until you involuntarily forget its meaning, until it is just a series of vocal expressions. Now the word is a glue with which you carry something very different from any kind of meaning, something that you take up, that sticks you to the birds and the fish; that lets you reach the highest heights and reveals deeper senses than any meaning.
Play on Stage / Adam took up the fight